Apple CEO Tim Cook Engages with Vietnamese Leaders and Creatives on Investment and Innovation

During his two-day visit to Vietnam, Apple CEO Tim Cook explores expanding operations and interacts with local tech developers, artists, and students to deepen Apple's commitment to the region.

Apple CEO Tim Cook Engages with Vietnamese Leaders and Creatives on Investment and Innovation
20-04-2024 02:57

Apple's CEO Tim Cook recently concluded a productive two-day visit to Vietnam, engaging in key discussions with Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh about boosting the tech giant's investment in the country. The meetings focused on enhancing Apple's operational footprint and the Vietnamese government’s support in facilitating these expansions.

Cook expressed his enthusiasm about the nation's vibrant culture and potential, stating on Apple's Vietnamese site, "There is no place like Vietnam, a vibrant and beautiful country. I am extremely excited to come here to connect with students, creators and customers, understand more about the diversity in the way they use our products to do extraordinary things."

Highlighting Apple's commitment to the region, Cook added, "At Apple, we always strive to build deep connections and bring more benefits to the people where we operate. From cooperating with local suppliers to supporting clean water supply projects and educational opportunities, we are committed to continuing to strengthen connections in Vietnam." Since 2019, Apple has significantly increased its local spending, supporting over 200,000 jobs and investing nearly 400 trillion VND ($16 billion).

During his stay, Cook did not just focus on high-level meetings but also immersed himself in the local culture. He met with developers working on Apple Vision Pro apps and interacted with artists, musicians, and dancers, celebrating the dynamic Vietnamese hip-hop scene.

One of his notable stops included a visit to the Hanoi Star School, where he was joined by Lisa Jackson, Apple Vice President of Environment, Policy, and Social Initiatives, indicating the importance of educational and environmental initiatives in Apple's strategy for Vietnam.

While Apple maintains discretion about Cook's detailed schedule, it's clear that the CEO's visit aims to reinforce Apple's strategic shift towards diversifying its manufacturing and development footprint beyond China, with Vietnam becoming a key player in these efforts.

